For the first time in months, US equities almost went into full correction mode. While valuations are still very high, many portfolios will have felt the pain. That’s because most portfolios will follow a common asset allocation strategy split between equities and bonds. Equities are viewed as the riskier assets but also the more rewarding […]
Why holding cash is not necessarily a stupid idea
Asset allocation refers to a strategy that aims at creating diversification within a portfolio in order to balance risks. By dividing assets across certain categories such as stocks, real estate or bonds, you are reducing your risk exposure to a single asset. Each asset has a different level of risk and returns, which means that […]
Do young people in the UK really have a shot at financial independence?
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) recently released a few interesting figures on the financial situations of 18- to 29-year-olds in the UK. I knew it wouldn’t be pretty. After all, I also was once 26 in London. Yet, I was quite shocked at what I read. Financial stability is far from a given for […]
How I hedge a significant Brexit risk with boring savings accounts
There is a lot of advice on the importance of saving. Saving is critical because it allows you to invest. However, not all savings will go towards investments. Sometimes, you need savings to sit in a cash account to build a deposit or set up an Emergency Fund. Little advice is however given on how […]
The Emergency Fund conundrum
For some time, I resisted publishing a blog post on whether one should have an Emergency Fund (or Emergency Savings). First, many blog posts had already touched on that topic. Second, it took me a while to figure out where I stood in this debate. Until now. The debate is usually framed in the following […]
Time is your most valuable asset
I started The English Investor so that young millennials have a place to discuss financial independence and grow their net worth. I want readers to understand that financial freedom is more easily achieved by growing your income rather than increasing your saving rate. Saving is great and absolutely necessary. Without savings, there can be no […]